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Any timeline on the next update, I'm having a hell of a time defeating the Tree Ent

Hey David! It will certainly be next month.

 And wow, good luck with that, haha. 

If you get Uncles sword, it can help out a lot!

Thanks for your comment. 

Hey there, where to find the herb for maid in crawly wood I can't find it..or maybe I sold it please help

You may be able to buy another from the Provisioner at Hendrick's Corner if you have.

Thanks alot for replying man appreciate your quick reply and sorry for my late oneπŸ˜…, well I started a new playthru and got over that part but my game keeps crashing in Grozwo Mansion cutscene when the old man is telling us the story... What is the fix for that?? 

oh no! Is there anything specific about the crash? Is there an error message of any kind?

Yeah i am actually playing it on Joiplay and during that cutscene when the black screen appears it says can't read wind.Ogg or something like that if I remember.. Btw I should clarify I downloaded it from F95zone.

I had someone tell me noise.ogg was missing. Download the little fix there, duplicate the file, and rename it to wind, then place it in audio/se. I'll get a proper fix to you soon. If you can though, I'm not sure what Joiplay is.

Wind.ogg missing is a new one to me and I'll have a look when I get chance. 

And don't worry, I've found this game ported to android by some Russian guy on Was both shocked and pleasantly surprised since I can't seem to manage to port it myself πŸ˜†. Seeing this game pop up on other sites is being taken as a compliment. 

How do I win against Belle ?

Need a walkthrough for this, I have interacted with everything to find Joogri guy

Try at the bottom left of Crawley, you can find a big box there!

after the the ria exploration quest what do i do next to get her other scenes.

I'm planning on adding her back in at a later update, she's off on her own adventure for now! Thanks for playing the game


Wc dude nice game btw does 0.18 really dont have any scenes just a quest or if there are scenes how do i unlock it

Great job anyways tho on the update only file there are missing sound files i just changed the name then change it back to continue

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Hello, thank you! There are no scenes in this update, Just a quest in this one and a few changes. There will be scenes in the next one, though.

What is the name of the sound file? I'll get it corrected when I'm able, thanks for bringing it to my attention. And thanks for playing the game!


It was noise.ogg something like that i forgot it had or a 1 or not

Thanks, that helps! I know what that is, so can easily fix for the future.

do you have plans on making available on Mac?

Not at the moment, im not sure on how to do it. But ill look into it when I get chance

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Hi.  I'm trying to find the thief in the woods.  Got the rope in place.  I found him once, after fighting a spider, but didn't fight him then as I was really low hp.  Now, I can't find him in his spot anymore.  Tried at night, tried after killing an orc in there, no luck.  Do you HAVE to kill the dang spider to spawn him?

If that's the case, please make some fights not drain you fully in two combats.  What are these orcs and wolves doing in their spare time, collection quests and XP grinding dragons?  Just my two cents but by the time your 8th level, and geared, you should be chewing through 5 or 6 fights before needing to rest.

But I do hope for some help on spawning the thief, please?

Fun game!  Overall I like it, and can't wait to try the next update :)

Edit: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make that 'futa' business optional.  Some of us find that hugely disgusting.  Hope it won't ruin the chance to try an otherwise really cool and fun game.

Hello! Hmm, thats strange, he shouldn't be disappearing at all after fighting a spider. I'm pushing towards the next version, so I'll give it a double check while I'm at it. Maybe theres a variable or a switch thats screwing with it. From what I've heard and from my own experience playtesting, too, is that the shadowy forest can be difficult to traverse, I might rethink his placement. I'll let you know what I find when I get chance, and if a quick hot fix is needed.

Thank you so much, glad you're enjoying it! I'll have a look at enemy stats, too, maybe give them a tweak.

And futa stuff WILL be 100% optional. I only plan on doing one character, and when you meet them, a question will be asked if you want to see it. Yet, it'll be a while before they're in. 

Thanks again for the comment, feedback really helps! The next update should be out by the end of the month. If you don't mind me asking question, do you have any favourite characters from the game? 


Hello, any walkthrough for this game? I can't seem to find the 2nd veldrua flower (i only found the one near 1st town where u need the hammer). and I can't beat minotaur bon yet.

Also do I get party members later on? 

I'd be nicer if we have some text dialogue whenever we have the scenes imo :) also a scene with Maxi and the brave pls!

Anyway I like this game looking forward in the next update!


Hello, the 2nd Veldrua flower is in the Shadowy forest, I'm afraid! Party members is something I'm considering. In story, The Brave has to journey alone with no other people, but that doesn't say he can't have a pet! So that might come in. As for Maxi, you will get a chance with her. I'm currently working on a quest with her, which is a part of a relations update. Hopefully, it should be out this time next month, the update keeps getting bigger as I come up with things. Thanks for your kind comment, and thank you for playing!

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thanks! oh, how do I get to the shadowy forest??

can't wait for the update! and yeah pets as party members sounds great! :)

btw, I get an error whenever I ask a boobjb from Vivienna


hi again! The entrance to The Shadowy Forest is in the top left of the Forest Steppes. If you look below hendriks corner cusp, there should be a sparkling thing. This is where you need to throw a climbing rope, which can be found in Cynthia's mansion, after doing Tullles quest. 

I'll have a look at that error when I get chance, very strange! Thanks for the screenshot 


I've also found the solution to the problem you reported. Go into the movies folder, and add _VP8 to the filename. It should hopefully fix it! Thanks for reporting it, I've sorted it for the future.



Hi, how are you? Sorry to send a message here, but I was very curious to play your game, so I wanted to know. Regarding The Brave  , what are your plans regarding Netorare (NTR) and sharing (MMF), is there any chance of that happening with MC, for now or in the future of the game?

I ask this because I'm not a fan (I HATE) of any of those things I mentioned, and I'd like to know before I download and start playing your game.

Thank you for your attention


Hello, good thanks, hope you are too! I'm still a little fuzzy on the term NTR, is it SEEING a partner cheating? I haven't planned anything like that at the moment, and the closest thing is voyeurism, but that's before you develop an official relationship with any of the women. I am planning some MFF threesomes, maybe one MMF threesome, and there's a MMMF group scene in there but again, it's with a woman you're not in a relationship with. There is a bit of femdom in there as well. Ultimately, I'm planning to make it so that you can make one (or more!) of the women your partner, which will feature no NTR.  And as the game progresses, the MC will become BRAVER and not stand for stuff that puts him down. Hope that answers your question, thanks for asking!

YES Answer my question, but I will not play your game, because I do not like it is not with a woman who is in relationship with MC participate in MMF sharing, because I had bad experts in the past with it and I do not like sex With other men and seeing this type of content, it doesn't give me the least pleasure, with other women, I even prefer not to play it, so as not to see this type of content

Even so I wish you good luck in your game and everything follows well

No problem, thanks for stopping by and thank you for your kindness!

If the MMF or MMMF is with a MC's love interest (even if they don't have any kind of relationship with him yet), then it should be able to be avoided in order for me to be interested in the game. If they are scenes with random girls, I'd rather have the option to not watch them since I'm not interested in them.  In fact, any scene with a present or future MC's love interest with guys other than the MC should be able to be avoided (that is, not happen) for me to be interested in the game.

Is this posible?


hello, I'm planning on doing that in the next update! 

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Ok, I'll wait for the next update then.


I guess that means we can avoid all existin scenes in the game and all new ones.

Can femdom be avoided?


So far, the only scene to feature that is with Cynthia, so I could easily do that, too. Voyeur is going to be toned down as the game progresses, it's really developed into something else since uploading it here.


Starting posting the new release bug in new release dev log

Hi I have a black screen when I launch the game, can someone help me please?

Hello, I haven't encountered that problem myself but it may be something to with a plugin. I am currently running more playtests and will be uploading a new demo soon, so hopefully that one will run better.

Same Bug i can't play ;( please help me ;(

oh no! Is it a black screen as soon as you launch the game? Are you on Windows?

yes Windows 10, when i launch the game i have the title screen music and the sound effects but with a black screen.

It's quite strange, i've never had a bug like that.

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You got anything if u press F12 ?

This open a debugger and u can maybe see where error come from

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with F12 

blackscreen too xD

I've been looking around online and some people have had the same problem with rpg maker games in the past too. I'll have more of a look when I can, and let you know if I find anything 😊 enjoy what's in the movie folder for now πŸ˜†

wait when u press F12 u don't have that windows appearing ?


Hotfix for battle missing file layout_screen.png if you can.


Oh no! Thanks for letting me know. Was it any specific battle at all? 

i mean i went against a goblin on the map just above town

ah crap, that's pretty early. I'll have a look into when I get chance. Thanks for letting me know

Deleted 285 days ago

Hello greenarrow25, I've got a hotfix ready

OK thanks it work for battle.

Small bug after reporting to the nun you make a popup saying current Virtue but the value isn't displayed.

There maybe is a stat bug on an item. Add luck without mention of it.

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What kind of future tags are you planning? Harem? ntr/sharing? Pregnancy? Futa? Femdom? Lesbian? 


Hello, so NTR/sharing, Futa, Femdom and Pregnancy are ones I'm considering. I could do a lesbian scene or two, one through voyeur and another you could watch at the adult theatre when it's ready. At the moment, I'm focusing on expanding the actual game, then scenes will follow along. Thank you for your question.