Future updates 0.19 then 0.2 (Contains NSFW)


That shall be my new name! I'll make it all official when I release Chai's Hypersexuality Diary.
For now, here's how the next two updates for The Brave are going to go down.
So I'm not dumping a huge load on you, I've decided to split the new additions into 2 updates.


This will introduce some new things to make, including a food & potions menu in the main menu.
There will be a few recipes to find in the game world, and over time, it will receive new additions.
To help with battles, some food items will give you a 1-battle buff. This means, if you fail a battle or are about to do one, you can use one of the food items to give you a buff that you believe will help. 

The next boss fight, Luciana, will be available to battle, along with her H-scene!

Vivianna's Relations quest!

She's become concerned about having fun with the young men next door, and wants to stop seeing them. She asks you to talk to them for her, and you can either reason with them, threaten them, or, tell them to keep going, if you're not bothered about having Vivianna as your partner.
The prerequisites for this quest are Sex with her once, defeated Bon, and either took part or witnessed her scene in the storeroom.

That will be 0.19, now 0.2.
It will be a bit bigger than what is down below, a lot of it is still in the theory stage. But that will change over time.

Entrance to Holts!

Holts needs just a bit more time in the oven but progress for it is going well.
You will also meet a new character, Countess Lydia Lockleer!

She is in charge of introducing The Brave to his new home.
(Lydia won't be a potential companion, but you may be able to find out what a countess gets up to for fun!)
I'm planning a few quests around the city (Along with some other things to find!), and making it the culmination point for some other arcs. The first Expedition will also be available with Ria, but again, that idea just needs some more time in the oven.

The Brave will get also 8 new faces to emote with.

The Path to the mountain goddess.

To get there, The Brave will need to go through 4 separate trials and find 4 separate keys/boons (Still planning that)
The trials will be added and updated over time, and will make use of party members!


I'll be looking at a corruption mechanic. I'm thinking High/Low Virtue will give you access to unique dialogue options at certain points, and a new skill to use, too.

That's it for now, thanks for reading!

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(2 edits) (+1)

super excited for this one, especially the party member aspect!

hyped for Luciana's scene, and developing Vivianna! I think she's top 3 for me.

Dirty Donny, so the brave's canon name is Donny? And can we still customize our name so that during scenes the gals could say it?

Anyway, all the best! Hype!

Thank you! Bit excited for it, too. It's going to add a fun, new layer to the game.

The Brave's canon name will stay as Clio, and yea, it will ALWAYS be changeable for the player. Dirty Donny is a production name I'm going to use for my projects. Really found a nice flow with video games, so wanting to make more!

Thanks again for your support!